viernes, 25 de enero de 2013


Queridos Alumnos,

I have created this blog for us to use throughout the semester. I would like for you to think of it as an extension of our time together. You will be able to post pictures, youtube links, and other material that is interesting to you and may be of interest to the rest of us. I have only a few rules:

1. Respect each other and the opportunity that you have been given to improve your language skills and expand your cultural knowledge. Please refer to the syllabus, if you think that you need clarification on what R-E-S-P-E-T-O means to me.

2. Only post class-related material; in other words, follow directions (if there are any) and always write in Spanish.

3. Write in Spanish! If you post a picture, please use Spanish to describe what is happening in the picture, where it was taken, when, by whom, etc.

4. Write in Spanish.

5. I promise to post poems, proverbs, short stories (or excerpts), links, recipes, and other material that I think will enrich your experience in Spanish 315 and, thus, our semester together.

OJO: Your various contributions to our blog will count toward your written expression (10%).

6. Have fun!

Prof. Rodriguez Drissi

La prehistoria

                            Etapas prehistóricas y sitios de importancia

                                                       Bisonte de pie, Altamira
Bisonte sentado, Altamira
      ¿Cuál debió haber sido el propósito de las pinturas rupestres?